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Willow Glass
Willow Glass
Corning Willow Glass is an ultra-thin, bendable glass enabling amazing new inovations.  At thicknesses of 100um or 200um, Pluto procures the glass on spools and processes to cut sheet sizes as needed.  We are able to provide panels as large as 1300mm x 2500mm, in crate or re-spooled for shipment.
As an alternative to expensive thinning processes, we can also provide this material in SEMI Standard wafer formats.  For coating and other cleanliness-critical applications, we can offer ultrasonic cleaning of sheets up to 400mm.
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Product Detail
Attribute Minimum Maximun Tolerance
Thickness 100µm 200µm +/- 2µm
Thickness Tolerance n/a n/a +/-10%
Dimensions (Scribed Edge) 5.0mm x 5.0mm 1300mm x 2600 mm +/- 50µm
Diameter (Scribed Edge) 6.0mm 1200mm +/-100µm
Diameter (CNC Edge) 100.0mm 300.0mm +/-25µm
Corner Radius (Scribed Edge) 6.0mm n/a +/-500µm
Corner Radius (CNC Edge) 2.0mm n/a +/-100µm
Thickness Variation (TTV) n/a <10% n/a
Scratch and Dig 5/2 1.5K Lux (Standard) n/a
Ultrasonic Cleaning 50mm x 50mm 350mm x 350mm n/a

Address: Bldg 3, No. 46, Keyuan West Road, Jiangmen. 529000 备案号:粤ICP备2022156759号