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What does semiconductor substrate mean?
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Semiconductor substrate refers to the semiconductor manufacturing process as a base layer of material, usually manufactured by the semiconductor single-crystal materials from the wafer, as the basis for carrying chips and electronic devices, can be regarded as a semiconductor device "foundation".

Semiconductor substrate materials are clean single-crystal sheets with specific crystalline surfaces and appropriate electrical, optical, and mechanical properties for the growth of epitaxial layers, playing an important role in physical support, thermal and electrical conductivity.
When choosing a semiconductor substrate, it is necessary to consider its structural properties, interfacial properties, chemical stability, thermal properties, electrical conductivity, optical properties, mechanical properties, as well as price and many other factors. Commonly used semiconductor substrate materials include sapphire, SiC, Si, GaN and so on.
In addition, different types of substrates, such as heterogeneous substrates and insulating substrates, can be selected according to specific application requirements. Heterogeneous substrates are substrate materials made from two different semiconductors, while insulating substrates are mainly used to support the semiconductor structure and maintain current flow.
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