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Optical Glass
What are the polishing methods for optical glass?
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Bath polishing: bath polishing refers to the workpiece and polishing discs are immersed in the polishing solution, the device used schematic depth of the polishing solution to the equipment at rest submerged workpiece 10 ~ 15mm appropriate, the stirrer is to make the polishing solution is in a state of suspension, does not produce precipitation, polishing glass is generally used in the polishing of iron oxide (red powder), aluminium oxide and other polishing materials.
Ion beam polishing: Ion beam polishing is a glass workpiece in the traditional polishing, used to further improve the polishing accuracy of the supplementary polishing methods. First in a vacuum (1.33 Pa) conditions, the inert gas (argon, krypton, xenon, etc.) atoms using high-frequency or discharge methods to make ions, and then accelerated with a voltage of 20 to 25 kV, and then collided into the vacuum chamber located in 1.33 × 10 Pa vacuum degree of the surface of the workpiece to be processed, the energy is directly transferred to the workpiece material atoms, so that they escape from the surface and be removed. This method can make the workpiece to remove the thickness of 10 ~ 20μm, is typical of the physical collision method of polishing technology, in general, the surface roughness of up to 0.01μm, high precision up to 0.6nm.
Plasma-assisted polishing: plasma-assisted polishing is the use of chemical reaction to remove the surface material to achieve the polishing method, the use of specific gases, made of active plasma, when the active plasma and the workpiece surface role, the chemical reaction occurs, the generation of volatile mixed gases, so as to remove the workpiece surface material. Since mechanical action is the main thing when grinding glass, the hardness of the abrasive must be greater than the hardness of the glass. Optical glass and daily use of glass grinding processing allowance is large, so the general use of corundum or natural emery grinding efficiency. Flat glass grinding processing allowance is small, but the area is large, the dosage is large, generally using inexpensive quartz sand.
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